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Lessons from the Boys Club: 10 Ways to Activate Your Network

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As women, we have access to wonderful networking groups, mentoring programs and leadership events! The list is endless on the possibilities to learn from and connect with each other. Yet, do we need a formal program or event to be there for each other?…The boys club did one thing right. They not only valued action on behalf of each other, it was expected.

Major Category Winner, Charles Schwab Financial Literacy (video): Whitney Johnson

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Across from my Working Girl-ish type desk was a bullpen which was essentially a locker room for twenty-something guys aspiring to become masters of the universe. Because the pressure was so intense in this testosterone-filled room, they inevitably went for the hard sell in opening new accounts, saying things like “Throw down your pom-poms and get in the game.” Read More…

How to make more money, be more successful, and have more fun in 2012

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I’m in a group called “Circle.” Here, each month, eight of us confide about business and personal matters to trusted advisors. It pretty much rocks. Kassie Rempel is one of the members. Today, I received what I deemed a “Circle 911” from another member of the group.

#5 Power Plays for Women: 5 Mentors

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Today I’m sharing some of my research for the first time. I have proof that women not only need mentors, but also HOW MANY they need. The short answer: The number Is 5.

From Voice-over Artist to “Kindie” Rock Star: Ashley Albert’s Case

“She blurted out “Ashley Albert has a kids band” and then called me 10 minutes later, hunkered in the corner of her office, saying “Oh my gosh, I don’t even know why I said it- how soon can you put a band together?'”

Student reaction: “The reason Ms. Albert’s case is so inspiring to me is because she doesn’t sugarcoat the truth.”

From the Hot Mommas Project Learning Series: Ashley Albert’s case, “From Dream Job to Dream Job in 1000 Easy Steps

Case themes include: family, confidence, start-up, music , individuality, dreams, change, and balance.

Student contributor: Hot Mommas Project intern and GW graduate Rachel Roizen.

The Hot Mommas Project Learning Series showcases a female role model’s story selected by a student. Role models are tied to women’s success. Read, listen, and learn. More about the Hot Mommas Project here and here. Want to be a featured student? Contact us on Facebook or Twitter.

Read More »From Voice-over Artist to “Kindie” Rock Star: Ashley Albert’s Case