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Lucrecer Braxton; Creative in Pursuit of Perfect Imperfection

I am a wife and mother of three I started the Art Slam about a year and a half ago to help me cope with a difficult working situation. I was suffering from daily headaches and felt sick to my stomach everyday. Sundays were the worst day of the week for me because I knew I had to get up the next morning and go into a hostile working environment… Read More »Lucrecer Braxton; Creative in Pursuit of Perfect Imperfection

#15b LIVE YOUR VALUES: Your Work Life Solution: Values-Based Balance

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When Harvard Business School Professor Howard Stevenson almost died, he woke up to the real meaning of work life balance: It’s about priorities. That is: What is most important to you.

Balancing a bunch of things and expecting A+ results in all of them is a recipie for disaster. Yet, many of us try to do that on a daily basis.