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Q&A: Venture Capital Resources & My Mom

Hot Mommas Project founder Kathy Korman Frey answers readers’ questions on the highly-correlated topics of her mom, and venture capital resources. For full post, click here.

CEO Dads and Top Tips for Women Leaders ‘Doing it All’

At the Northshire Bookstore in Manchester, Vermont I was happy to see 'CEO Dad' by Tom Stern in the business section (As well as some other evolved cross-over titles that you will see in the photo). It's a step toward acknowledging reality. I've always felt that Corporate America desperately, and secretly, wants to cover its eyes and stick its head in the sand regarding anything that happens outside of the… Read More »CEO Dads and Top Tips for Women Leaders ‘Doing it All’

Kids: They get it

From friend of Hot Mommas Project and successful entrepreneur Julie Lenzer Kirk: “Entrepreneurship isn't just for adults! A recent survey in the UK found that kids, ages 13-17, are already thinking about work/life balance. 81% of the kids surveyed are, at least. And 11% stated that they'll look for jobs elsewhere if their boss asks them to put work before family. Perhaps the other 89% will just start their own… Read More »Kids: They get it