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Thanks for Dinner Sweetheart: It’s International Women’s Day #IWD

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It’s dinner time on the East Coast in the US. What are you doing?

Maybe the typical scramble.  People arriving, dumping bags, plugging in, trying to unplug, etc.

But – are you doing anything for International Women’s Day?

Maybe, maybe not.

Well – here’s your chance. And, it’s actually pretty easy. And pretty cool.

And you can discuss it with your kids and learn stuff at the same time. Around the dinner table, or around the couch with Chinese takeout containers…we won’t judge.


1. The Facts

The other day, I tweeted about a new book: The Richer Sex. In the 1970s less than 5% of working wives out earned their husbands. Now, almost 40% do.

In developing countries, it’s a different story.  Women are not out-earning men or close to it. They work more, and have less. For example:  Women make up 43% of the agricultural workforce in developing countries, yet they account for only 10-20% of landowners.

But, what is the impact of that?  Does it matter? Could it be any different? Yes. Oxfam reports that if women were given the same level of access to resources that men have, they could increase yields on their farms by 20-30%.

Wow, really?  That’s pretty cool.

2. Action

Here’s what you can do at dinner time tonight, for International Women’s Day.

Send an e-card (or several) to a woman (or women) you admire as a way to thank them for all they do.

To be honest, e-cards are not totally my thing.  But, I’m tonight, e-cards are coming out of Chez Frey. I’m going to pick a couple of people, and I’m going to let my kids pick a couple of people, and we’ll see how big it gets.

It’s a way for us all to learn together that – you know what? – Not everyone has it like we have it. We want to support this cause, let a few people know, but also celebrate women on this great day. International Women’s Day

3. The end: Happy International Women’s Day.


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