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Why You Should Write YOUR Story!

The following is an edited version of an email sent from one inspirational woman to another as part of the Hot Mommas Project. Read below, and nominate someone you know – yourself included – as a role model. Impact women’s education and make a difference this holiday season. The writing period ends January 31, 2010

Dear “Janet,”

When we first met, you told me your story about how you came to be at the position you are currently at in your life. It is a inspiring story. I have since volunteered to be on the Host Committee for The Hot Mommas Project. The premise is to develop a database of case studies for educators to use to teach young women and girls about the power that they have within to achieve great things through stories of real life women who have achieved personal and professional success and are true role models. Janet, you are a role model. Your story of entering a male dominated industry with no real background or education in it and through utilizing a philosophy of hard work, strong ethics and good old customer service, you have become a ‘force to be reckoned with’. That is a motivational and inspiration story from which other women could learn.

I chose to do this for two reasons:

1. I have four daughters that I want to see develop into the tremendous women that I know that they can be and seeing “real” women making great strides is a way for me to assure them that it can be done.

2. I believe that every women has a “case study” inside of them. The Hot Mommas Project provides an opportunity for women to be recognized and to give the gift of their “case study” to other women to role model after.

I know you are an extremely busy woman and this may be something that you don’t have time for. I hope it will be something that you will consider though. You would be surprised how easy it is to write 1000-1500 words when you sit down to actually do it!  I would like to officially nominate you as a Hot Momma. Please take it as the compliment it is meant to be! Here’s all the information.  BTW, there is a contest attached to it with some pretty cool prizes. Hope you will think about it. It is a George Washington University project and case studies could be published in text books.

Janet, thanks for sharing your story with me. Have a great holiday! For questions, you can contact Kathy Korman Frey and her team.

Tina Williams

P.S. Here’s a Press Release from first launch…today, the Hot Mommas Project is the world’s largest womens’ case library.