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Harvard Resources for Women

Thought this was nice to see one of the largest, if not THE largest, Fortune 500 CEO factory (Harvard Business School) offering resources to female alums and others. This movement was really pioneered by Myra Hart who has now moved on from Harvard B School but remains a thought leader in the field of women's leadership. Hopefully the resources will be 1) utilized and 2) effective. The existence of such… Read More »Harvard Resources for Women

The New Politics

As some have predicted, namely Joe Trippi (, the Internet's use for political purposes will create a revolution. Something like this can be distributed at the click of a button: “Open ThreadBy MaryWe are seeking Democratic women from eleven Northern California counties (Alameda, Contra Costa, Sacramento, Marin, Napa, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Francisco, San Mateo, Solano and Sonoma) who have political leadership experience…”<> You get the idea. At first… Read More »The New Politics

Tip to Women Leaders: Pull out the Boxing Gloves

Intriguing. A recent article called, “Think you got it bad? Try being the boss” by Harvey Schachter of Canada’s Globe and Mail profiles a book by Anthony Smith called the Taboos of Leadership which essentially talks about the necessary evils required as a leader. In his top 10 summary of the book, Schachter writes, “In the real world, leadership is not always the most effective when it is most caring,… Read More »Tip to Women Leaders: Pull out the Boxing Gloves