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Regional Winner, United States: Kara Vanderpool Ward

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The best plan I could ever have is to simply learn to bend and snap….it is the meaning that is the same -be open to possibility, deal with change no matter how minor or drastic, and make quick decisions when needed. In essence it is the very reason that in the midst of all my existing and overwhelming responsibility I launched my own company. Read More…

Microsoft Digs Chicks

There are a bunch of events getting women to go “rah rah” and start a business. Right? Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But, sometimes it is hard to know which ones are good vs slimy. Here is one that looks great for a couple reasons: 1. Microsoft is sponsoring, and they don’t put on shabby partner affairs from what I understand.2. Maybe because Microsoft is invovled, it is… Read More »Microsoft Digs Chicks