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Friends Lead to Happiness

Today, after my daughter's first dance class of her little life, I am shopping with "The Shoe Coven." These are 4 girlfriends (one of which is my super excellent aunt). These women also happen to be prominent members of the mental health community (the supply side, not the demand side). I leave our shoe shopping sessions feeling incredibly well adjusted. Shoes, therapy, what's not to like? Research indicates people with… Read More »Friends Lead to Happiness

Eastern Medicine for Stressed Out Chicks-Part 1: Your Equation

This is part of a series on eastern medicine for major novices. First, readers, please accept my apologies for the gap in posting. Apparently there are quite a few readers as the founder of 'Holiday Golightly' informed me that the Hot Mommas Project Blog sent her a bunch of traffic from the April post on girlfriend getaways. So, thank you for reading. Shout out to Guy Kawasaki's which has… Read More »Eastern Medicine for Stressed Out Chicks-Part 1: Your Equation

Girlfriend Getaways

How great is this? A service for girlfriend getaways. Oy do we need this. Right? Started by friend Kerry Rupp. Could the name be cuter? (A take on Holly Golightly for you Breakfast at Tiffany’s fans). Plan your next vacation with your gal pals. As research in the positive psychology movement shows, people with 5 or more close personal friends are happier. Click here for more on happiness. Happy… Read More »Girlfriend Getaways