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Career & Leadership

Toolkit for Women’s Success: Do Women Lie When They Act Perfect?


Why do you love me so? Knock it off.


By Kathy Korman Frey

A post by Athena Vongalis-Macrow and Andrea Gallant on the blog of Harvard Business School Publishing is entitled: Stop Stereotyping Female Leaders.  The myth of the “superwoman” is discussed, and how this myth continues to be perpetuated by women themselves.  This is sad not only because women feel pressure to appear or be perfect, but also because this is what we are teaching the next generation. Expectations are killing women across this great nation of ours…both expectations of ourselves, and those from others whether actual or perceived.Read More »Toolkit for Women’s Success: Do Women Lie When They Act Perfect?

Sisterhood University: Women Leaders Give #sisUdc an “A” – 10.10.10 Results Released

By Kathy Korman Frey

Women from the Mid-Atlantic (and even the Mid-West) gathered yesterday at the George Washington University School of Business, Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence for the first-ever Sisterhood University . Sisterhood University is the testing ground for research gathered by the Hot Mommas® Project, which is the world’s largest collection of teachable role models and mentors (aka case studies) for women and girls.Read More »Sisterhood University: Women Leaders Give #sisUdc an “A” – 10.10.10 Results Released

Scholarships: Young Entrepreneurs, Get Your Game On

Last week, I met with a board member from the Girls Scouts. It was an inspirational lunch filled with the potential – and actions – of what is possible for this generation of girls and women.  One thing I was particularly proud of was being part of a start-up dance company in Washington, DC.  Then, young entrepreneurs got a pat on the back and – maybe – a hike in their allowance. Now, these young entrepreneurs can win between $1,000 and $10,000 toward their college education.Read More »Scholarships: Young Entrepreneurs, Get Your Game On

Toolkit for Women’s Success: Joining the New Women’s “In” Crowd




By Kathy Korman Frey

This morning I spoke with one of our Hot Mommas Project judges.  She just got a massive promotion.  “You’ve got an entire empire now!” I said.  We agreed to make a time to have coffee or take a walk.

Thoughts running through my head as I hung up:

I want to support her empire.

She is just incredibly awesome and inspiring.Read More »Toolkit for Women’s Success: Joining the New Women’s “In” Crowd