We do something important: Increase self-efficacy in girls and women. We’re also a little crazy.

But not this crazy.

We believe education should be fun and accessible
We’re a little crazy because we believe education should be fun and accessible. It worked. Since our inception in 2006, and the launch of the digital case platform in 2009, the Hot Mommas Project name has been enthusiastically received by our target population (students and diverse women worldwide with entrepreneurial mindsets). Our research with experts in feminism and diversity puts us in the “new wave of feminism.”
It started during a talk at a DC boys and girls club. Our founder, a faculty member at the George Washington University School of Business, was wondering if people were drifting off. She might have even seen a little drool coming out of one of the kid’s mouths. So she shook it up a bit: “You know, I have these brilliant, amazing women who work with me. They make their own rules and have their own definition of success. Do you know what they call themselves? ‘Hot Mommas.'”
Everyone immediately perked up.
Everyone immediately perked up. One girl yelled, “My mom is a hot momma!” Another attendee said, “I’m not a Momma, can I be a Hot Momma?” Answer: Of course! There was a lot more interest and connection with the Hot Mommas than the consulting firm. This is especially important, because as the famed social psychologist Dr. Albert Bandura explains, access to role models and mentors is critical to building self-efficacy which is, essentially, “the success gene.” Additional research demonstrates that access to role models and mentors – even in the form of a case study – can increase entrepreneurial self-efficacy in girls and women. Bottom line: We need to be sure people are listening, when these role models and mentors are talking.
We’re award winning, and world’s largest.
The Hot Mommas Project emerged. It is a case library featuring diverse, crowd-sourced teachable stories about leadership, overcoming challenges, and more. The project is a Coleman Foundation Case Award Winner and is the world’s largest women’s case library. Our cases – together with our award-winning curriculum – measurably increase self-efficacy (aka “the success gene”).
And, apparently, people like the crazy name.
Soon after the digital case-writing platform launch in 2009, we surveyed 100 women between ages 18 and 65. Permitted responses included: Very much dislike, dislike, not sure, like, very much like.
- 98 participants “very much like” the name (with a few “other comments” at the end saying, “Best name ever.”)
- One participant “very much disliked” the name (period missing)
- One participant was “not sure,” and in the notes said they were “concerned with what other people would think.”
We represent the new wave of feminism, who knew? Well, some experts did.

Hot Mommas is consistent with the new wave of feminism, and is a term women call themselves. We’re proud of ourselves.
- Student appeal. The name appeals to students, one of our primary audiences. They like the edginess and irreverence.
- Approachable. The name also is welcoming and approachable for diverse communities.
- A new wave of feminism. Our feminism expert, a UNC Professor Emerita, explains the name is consistent with the “new wave of feminism” which is about: “Taking back words, being bold, and not asking permission about who you are supposed to be.”
- Our term for ourselves. An advisor who is a well-known influencer in the disabled and BIPOC communities states, “It’s not insensitive. We’re referring to ourselves as Hot Mommas. It’s not for the male gaze.”
- Memorable. The name, because of its unique nature mixed with a serious purpose, has allowed for approximately seven figures of free press. People around the world remember it. A case author recent wrote us, “That event I went to in Montreal…I met people who knew about the project. I was so proud.”

Through focus groups and interactions with the women’s community over the past 15 years – including post #MeToo – we continue our research.
We alter for certain global audiences. It’s edgy..we know.
We’ve learned along the way, and below share some of those key realizations:
- It’s not for the faint of heart. In addition to the “professional challenges” section of each case, there is a “personal challenges” section. Case author challenges can range from every-day competing priorities tochallenging social norms in their country to fighting cancer to mental health.
- “Hot Mommas” does not translate well in Arabic. When interacting with audiences who speak Arabic, we are called “Dynamic Women” and are lucky enough to have key partners, like country manager Rim Siam, advising us.
- We constantly ask ourselves, “Is this acceptable?” While our advisors and members of the women’s leadership community have proved that it is (to our target audience), we never stop asking the question.
Exposure to Female Role Models and Mentors Spells Success.
Since that time, the project has recruited country mangers on every continent. Those country managers nominated women to share their stories in a structure based on the Harvard Business School case study (Professor Frey, the founder, is a Harvard Business School graduate and case author). Four rounds of case study competitions were conducted, and judged by leaders in education, business, entertainment, and government including the Senior Vice President of Integrated Marketing at The Oprah Winfrey Network, Senior Vice President of Corporate Affairs of Wal-Mart Stores, CEO of the YWCA, the Editor-in-Chief of Essence magazine, Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower, and many more. Today the project has reached women in 138 countries, and measurably increases self-efficacy. The crazy name worked, and we look forward to our next adventure!

We’ve reached women in 138 countries and counting.