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Do Mean Girls Exist Outside of High School?

Exciting news!

Today Hot Mommas Project starts a “Question of the Week” series on Facebook.

We’ll be asking you to gague the feeling of our community on today’s hot topics, to see if our instincts match what the headlines often claim they should be.

Our first topic, is one we think everyone can relate to – who hasn’t dealt with a mean girl in her life?

From Mean Girls: Stop Trying to Make Fetch Happen
Image credit: Tammy of Top Draw

But here’s the question: Are mean girls just a thing in high school, like the Lindsey Lohan movie, or is it still an issue even after later in life?

Share your most memorable mean girl experience by going to our Hot Mommas Project Facebook page, and answering the Mean Girls post.

Or you can click the “comment” link at the end of the embedded post below.

Whoever has the best answer, on Facebook, will win free entry to Premium Virtual Campus classes of their choice!

So, if you’ve got one, tell us: who is your “Mean Girl”?

And let’s see if they really do exist outside the movie theaters.

Remember, you have to post your response on the Facebook page to win!