As the founder of a project focused on role models for girls and women, I
was drawn to a blog post by Queen of Spain’s blog about her 3 year-old
daughter. Here is an excerpt:
“…she came home from preschool crying because another girl didn’t like her
new haircut. Of course it was quickly forgotten and the two girls are paling
around as if nothing tearful had been exchanged.
It has begun and she is only 3.
I don’t know how to stop it. ”
The blessing and the curse of sensitivity. Here we see the “curse” part. My
heart just sank. I typed the following response, and encourage others to get
in on the discussion.
What a gorgeous post. I remember watching, with mixed reactions, how people
would fawn over my niece telling her how “gorgeous” she was. And she was,
and is. However, when she was about 4 I taught her to say, “And I’m smart
too.” The balanced message, I hope (cross fingers cross fingers) is the way.
My aunt used to sit me down and do my makeup when I was younger. It was
awesome. She rocks. We had fun. But I understood what really mattered. She
was a major groomer. She came from a family of groomers. I happened to be
more of the messier-food-in-my-hair-stuff-
matter. She loved me. My family loved me. Good hair day, bad hair day. That
is what I remember. I guess I can be my own “female media” to my daughter.
What messages am I putting out there? Here is my ticker: Not heroin chic.
Not air brushed. Yes shopping is fun. Yes make up is fun. Ouch mommy poked
herself in the eye doing makeup. Okay maybe makeup is not fun. Yes good
brain. Yes good health. Yes good vibes. Yes love. Now let’s go to SEPHORA!
Seriously, though, I am balancing my messages, crossing my fingers, and
hoping it works.For those of you thinking “Hot Mommas?” No worries – code for “Dynamic
Women” – we’re a women’s leadership project. You need neither be “Hot” or a
“Momma” to join our posse. Maybe someone will write their case on our site
and THIS will be one of the issues/learnings in the case. Would be great.