Pictured here is one of the team members selected for the Hot Mommas Project competitive internship. My first thought is “YAY. The cavalry has arrived.” Albeit, the cavalry looks like a Barbie doll. (No offense Jen). Why do I – and why should you – love Jennifer? We love Jennifer because she represents HELP. And a lot of you out there – you know who you are – try to do it all yourself. You just do, because you can. I did too. Now, I must stop if I want to build a million dollar enterprise part time. Click here to continue reading.
This is a bounce back from our previous post: Emergency Broadcast:
Full time, I spent the week in ICU with my mom. Very, very scary. I also started thinking, “Why the hell am I doing this blog?” Putting all my stuff out there… Click here to read the rest of post #5.