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Running…Women on the Go and How they Do It and the F-Word

Blogging from my phone, at the gym. Multitasking is a big way Hot Mommas get things done. You all know the routine. However, our research – to be released along with follow up 'how to' toolkits this year – tells us that focus and prioritization is one of the top three ways Hot Mommas ('Doing it all. Doing it well') are successful. What does that mean? Three top tips are:
1. The Socratic Method – As you are multitasking, asking yourself,'Is this really necessary? What would happen if I did NOTHING about one or all of these items right now?' Or, as I like to say, 'Is doing nothing an option?' It is the busy woman's life-saving catch phrase.
2. Scheduling, with a Vengeance – Another successful trick is to list top priority items, and put them in specific time blocks in your calendar. This lends to a greater 'protective' feeling over that time block, what you want to accomplish and – gasp – the f-word: Focus.
3. The 'Do Not Do' List – for those of you – and you know who you are – who literally CANNOT stop the to do list from swirling through your head, we'll give you a to do list…the 'Do Not Do List.' This is a commitment to yourself, on paper, to not engage mentally or physically in minutia which would be nice to have done, but does not NEED to be done.
It's a discipline, but worth it. Have a great holiday weekend readers.
