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Harvard Medical School: Do Gooders Less Stressed

Women in leadership: Questioning any nurturing/giving traits not beaten out of you yet? News flash: You'll live longer because of it. Thought provoking article in 'Ode' magazine called, 'Love thy neighbour for he is me: Even in our alienated society, it's easy to learn the basics of altruism. Here's how.' The 'Readers Digest' version of some takeaways:


1. It's good for you. Dr. Robert Benson from Harvard Med School discovered, 'Ode' reports, 'If we do good, we apparently relax. Metabolism, heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing all grow calmer. And tension, depression and anger decrease.' (side note: This offers no explanation, of course, for those crotchety lifers we all know).

2. 'Higher Heart Qualities,' such as compassion and sympathy, allow you to produce 100 percent more DHEA, an anti aging hormone.

3. 'At a young age, we learn not to hurt others, but one lesson we don't automatically get is not to take on others' grief.' Message = Stay positive. (Side note… clearly not all have learned the first part of this lesson.)

Caveat: Don't overdo it. Your concern for others can become a burden and actually CREATE stress.


So, for personal, for business, if you are a bit mean and trying to become nicer, if you are nice and need a peptalk..thought this article might appeal. As Hot Mommas are learning (see earlier posts), success is a mental battle. Here is one more tool for the tookit. For more on this article, click here: