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Mom, inc.: The Costco parade and floats. Our theories, musings, and book club kick off.

Hello to all the Hot Mommas out there (Cool Daddies welcome, as well),

This is our first blog post and we welcome you. Who are Hot MommasTM and Cool Daddies? We grossly generalize you as high-achieving individuals who are doing it all, and doing it well. The Hot MommasTM Project is rooted in the academic community producing curricula for women leaders (Cool Daddies curriculum in development). Here, however, we get to have some fun. More on this, and us, in Kimberly Wilson’s Hip Tranquil Chick Podcast: and at

So, Costco. Who ever thought of morphing Costco with women’s leadership? Costco did, that’s who. Reading, of all things, the Costco magazine called “The Costco Connection,” the cover reads “Mom, inc. Motherhood inspires the creation of businesses.” Inside, there are some nice references to people we like (well-known in the women’s leadership circles), such as Sharon Hadary, executive director of the Center for Women’s Business Research. However, I keep coming back to the cover: A smiling mom – Denise Marshall – and her daughter. Denise is on the cell phone. It is a realistic picture of the multitasker. A far cry from the apron-clad, mixing bowl-holding woman on the front of “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” or, as I like to call it, “What to Fear When You’re Expecting.”

But I digress….I keep focusing back on this cover. As a little test I say to myself, “Would anyone give a rat’s tush if this were a man on the cover and it said ‘Dad, inc.’?” Why the focus on women? Costco is one step short of throwing a parade and building a float for these moms. Oprah just had an episode on “Oprah’s Search for the Next Big Idea” with all female participants vying for a spot on QVC.

What is going on here people? Which story is it? Are women with brains woefully ignored with no opportunities, or celebrated divas of success in every realm imaginable? The answer is: Both. Costco is smart. I have always liked them as a company. I am willing to guess someone, somewhere, in a high level at that company gets it. Gets it like we’ve been wanting someone in corporate America to get it for a while. Does this mean they have great programs for their best and brightest, some of whom are women? Not sure. I think I will have to follow up on that with them. But, from a consumer standpoint, they get it. They are partially creating, and partially building on, the national excitement around entrepreneurial moms. WHY do we love these women so much? Is it a fad, or the beginning of a way of life and outlook? I will put out a couple of theories and welcome your reactions, 2 cents, and 22 cents.

Theory #1: America loves the ‘underdog’ story. This is not to discredit women, it’s quite the opposite. It’s about overcoming adversity. Deep down, everyone understands that moms rule. Moms hook everyone up…the kids, the dads, the neighbors. It’s basically endless. So, to accomplish a major business endeavor in addition has many on the sidelines staring and going “wow.”

Theory #2: Better butter us up or we won’t give you our money. Women make 80% of of all household purchasing decisions according to Marti Barletta, author of Marketing to Women: How to Understand, Reach, and Increase Your Share of the World’s Largest Market Segment and PrimeTime Women: How to Win the Hearts, Minds, and Business of Boomer Big Spenders (Side note: My 50+ market expert & friend David Wolfe just loves Marti). So, bottom line: Retailers, etc. want to make nice.

Theory #3: What’s your theory? Why do we/Costco/others love these women so much and will it last? Post and let me know.


HOT MOMMASTM BOOK CLUB: As an English major gone business-junkie I’ve always been fascinated with Queen Elizabeth I as a study in women’s leadership. My May book club topic is to watch the film Elizabeth with Cate Blanchett. My end of month post will have discussion questions.

THINGS WE LIKE: Making life seem easier is the dry erase week-over-week magnetic calendar . I recommend mult-colored markers. I do not exaggerate when I say this has changed my life. Also, not a bad thing to use with our “Getting to 10” Goals Tookit (#2). I got mine at WALMART. Are sort of hard to find, so, here they are sports fans: Calendar & Multicolored dry erase pens. Silly you say? You thought this was for serious, high-achieving, goal-oriented people? Ha ha ha. Just watch, my pretty, you will soon be addicted just like the rest of us.

Bella Abzug. Just saw a Lifetime intimate portrait segment on her the other day. Amazing woman. Her foresight and conviction are legendary. Thank heavens for Tivo.

Follow up with Costco. Does the front of the Costco magazine this month match the internal workings of Costco?(entrepreneurship, moms, and parades and floats.)