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Toolkit for Women’s Success: Joining the New Women’s “In” Crowd




By Kathy Korman Frey

This morning I spoke with one of our Hot Mommas Project judges.  She just got a massive promotion.  “You’ve got an entire empire now!” I said.  We agreed to make a time to have coffee or take a walk.

Thoughts running through my head as I hung up:

I want to support her empire.

She is just incredibly awesome and inspiring.Read More »Toolkit for Women’s Success: Joining the New Women’s “In” Crowd

Another Chapter in Nature vs Nurture

Catherine Redfern of the UK's 'The fword' summarizes an article which continues the nature vs nurture discussion on women, gender, and leadership. Here it is.. Psychologies article makes feminist fumeBy Catherine Redfern “Under the dubious headline "Are Women Better at Being in Charge?", various bosses, Chief Executives and leaders, both male and female, give their opinion. <> “ Hot Mommas Project opinion: These ongoing discussions basically try to account for… Read More »Another Chapter in Nature vs Nurture


The Catalyst “Doomed/Damed” study is yet another take on the conflicts women face. Studies like this confirm for me the mission of the Hot Mommas Project…which focuses on the solutions. We must all be part of the solution. It's the entrepreneurial foundation on which our country was founded. Hot Mommas Project part in the solution? The doom and gloom just gets old after a while. For more, click here.