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Eating Disorder

Caroline Adams Miller & Caroline Miller Coaching LLC; Will the Real You Please Stand Up?

INTRODUCTION: The hot television lights burst on us one at a time.   “Number One, what is your name please?”  The question thundered through the cavernous studio. “My name is Caroline Miller.” Number two introduced herself the same way.  Then it was my turn. “Number Three, what is your name please?” “My name is Caroline Miller.”  It was the summer of 1990 and my life had now become fodder for a… Read More »Caroline Adams Miller & Caroline Miller Coaching LLC; Will the Real You Please Stand Up?

Coach Kathy Wilson: On Self Acceptance

I truly saw everything that made me different as an asset instead of a liability. It was the first time I truly embraced that everything about me, every struggle, every challenge, every setback and every unique attribute that I had previously seen as negative was part of a quilt that made me a powerful woman.

Top Three Global Winner (video): Kathy Wilson

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Why in the world would anyone want to do business with me? I’m a fraud, who no one in their right mind would listen to. Or, at least, that is what I thought for many, many years as I bore the sins of my past and my skin color like the scarlet letter. It was only when a wonderful coach decided to take me through an exercise that my life ended up changing for good. Read More…