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NOMINATION OF WOMEN LEADERS: Role Models to Help Women, Girls, Educators

The Hot Mommas Project is an award-winning leadership project raising self-efficacy of women and girls through exposure to role models.  We are an entrepreneurial venture housed at the George Washington University School of Business. If you are reading this post, and you have been nominated for our current competition through January 31, midnight ET, 2011, please see the nomination notice below. If you would like to nominate someone – yourself included – please email us or fill out this form. Please continue reading to become a part of educational history for women and girls. Think you don’t have time? Scroll down for our list of resources to accelerate. Quick links from 2010 competition:  prizes and honors, judging criteria, FAQs, project impact, and case writer resources.

Background: The Hot Mommas Project has been in existence since 2002, however, last year something special happened. We created a software that enabled women to tell their own stories. Our 2009 and 2010 competitions encouraged women around the world to log on, tell their story,  and – using our “case study wizard” – channel those stories into teachable role models for women and girls.  Everyday-extraordinary women – over 190, in fact – spoke from the power of their experience.  They spoke to our daughters.  They spoke to each other.  They spoke to you and me.  They were heard. The winners of 2009 competition were published in a major Prentice Hall textbook, PINK Magazine, and other major media outlets.

The Hot Mommas Project is now the largest collection of teachable role models in the world.  Personal, professional, childhood inspiration, successes, challenges.  Make your lessons known and voice heard.  A young woman, somewhere, will benefit from your story. See our slideshow here.

“I said “Somebody should do something about that.” Then I realized I am somebody.”
Lily Tomlin



Congratulations on your nomination as a role model for girls and women. Thank you, in advance, for your interest in the Hot Mommas Project. This is your official nomination notice. As a Nominee you are authorized to go to and write a case study about your personal and professional experiences. Please find more on the project, below.  Now is the time to be bold, share your story, help others, and impact the lives of young women:

1. Log on at so you receive alerts and key dates.

2. Write your 1000-1500 word case study using our case study wizard. We project 1.5 hour to 3 hours depending on your writing speed. There are many case writer resources to help guide you (scroll down).

3. Click “publish” by January 31, 2011, 12 midnight, Eastern Time. You’ll become part of our free online library available to women, girls, and educators. (The earlier you click “publish,” the more prize drawings you’ll be entered into. Last year we gave away Sephora Gift Card, coaching hours by Mothercraft, Janice Vancleave’s kids activity books, planners from Mom Agenda, and more.) Winners are published in a major Prentice Hall Textbook. ALL participants are helping women/girls through mentoring.

“I wrote the case to help other women and girls, but the process wound up changing my life. I just don’t take the time to stop, think about what I’ve learned, and communicate those lessons. I’m always going. The process was much more than I expected.”

– Hot Mommas Project 2009 Case Writer

The cases should be appropriate for a classroom environment.  To maintain the integrity of this educational tool, cases must not be promotional pieces for your company or preachy political/ moral views. The cases should represent your personal lessons, motivations, successes, and challenges thought about in terms of “textbook chapters” (or a new chapter you’re creating on your own). At the end of the case wizard, you can check a box in the case wizard if you are interested in speaking or additional mentoring.

Congratulations, again. The team and I are here for any of your questions or additional information needs. You will find a variety of case writer resources on the “case competition” section of and the links below.



Kathy Korman Frey
Founder, The Hot Mommas Project
Entrepreneur in Residence, The George Washington University School of Business



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