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Microsoft Digs Chicks

There are a bunch of events getting women to go “rah rah” and start a business. Right? Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But, sometimes it is hard to know which ones are good vs slimy. Here is one that looks great for a couple reasons:

1. Microsoft is sponsoring, and they don’t put on shabby partner affairs from what I understand.
2. Maybe because Microsoft is invovled, it is only $59 for pretty much an all-day event.
3. Susan Wilson Solovic is speaking, and, we heart Susan Wilson Solovic (see our book club shrine to her by clicking here)

Here is the Vision to Venture excerpt from the site:
“Make your dream of being a successful business owner a reality. Whether you’ve already launched your business or are thinking of starting one, join other enterprising women for this unique blend of high-impact sessions and networking opportunities to propel your business to the next level.”